Thursday 28 August 2014

A Bird's Pie

This winter we've been feeding the birds in our garden. Having got a couple of pre-made bird-pies, Little Miss and I thought we'd have a go at making our own. 

I couldn't find a net bag or even an old pair of fishnets anywhere, so had to quickly crochet up a bag using triple and chain stitch.

Bird's Pie

a 454g tub of dripping
1/2 cup linseeds
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
1 cup rolled oats
a crochet or netting bag to hang the pie in

Leave the dripping at room temperature for a few hours to soften up.
Stir the dripping in a large bowl until its soft and workable. Stir in the seeds and oats. 
Lay the bag or net onto a piece of food wrap. Spoon the dripping mixture into the bag. 
Tie or crochet up the bag. Use the food wrap to help for the ball without the dripping sticking to everything. 
Using string or a chain stitch attach the whole thing to a tree. Once attached remove the food wrap, then wait for the birds. I'm not sure who was more excited, LM or the birds.

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