Tuesday 21 January 2014

Plum Sauce from Mum and Dad's tree

After returning from holiday, we were lucky to snatch a bowl full of plums before the birds devoured them all. I picked through what was left on the tree, and left the pecked ones for the birds to finish later. I've picked plums from this tree all my life. Depending on late frosts, we don't always get any, but this year yielded plenty. Having made plenty of Jam in the last few weeks, I decided on Plum sauce for a change. The recipe is from an old book: The Complete Book of Home Preserving, by Mary Norwak, published in 1978.

Plum Sauce

1kg plums
225g sugar
500ml white wine vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground mustard powder
1 teaspoon nigella seeds

Sterilise a large bottle by washing in hot soapy water then filling with boiling water. I used an old wine bottle.

Place the washed plums into a pot with the other ingredients. Don't worry about removing the stones, they will pop out later in the cooking process.

Stir well, bring to the boil and simmer for 30 minutes. 

Sieve and return the puree to the pan. Some of the nigella seeds will be left behind.

Simmer for another 30 to 40 minutes stirring occasionally until the sauce had reduced in volume and thickened. 

Pour the hot sauce into the sterilised bottle and seal.

The sauce can be served as an accompaniment to any cold meat or cheese.

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