Last night I made Feijoa Crumble for pudding at Nana and Poppa's house. Although often mixed with other fruits, this time I opted for the straight feijoa fix. This topping can be used on any fruit. The fruit doesn't have to be cooked first, just put in the dish, top with the crumble mix and put it in the oven.
Crumble Topping
1 cup rolled oats
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon mixed spice
1/4 teaspoon salt
100g butter - meltedCombine the flour, oats, brown sugar, spice and salt in a bowl. Mix in the melted butter. The mixture should look like sandy crumbs.
Prepare the feijoas by peeling and slicing into bite sized pieces - I used about 8 good sized feijoas. Sprinkle the fruit with 2 tablespoons of white sugar and 1 teaspoon of mixed spice. The sugar will sweeten the fruit and stop it from discolouring.
Bake in a hot oven - about 190deg. C - until it starts to turn golden and the fruit is bubbling at the sides of the dish.
We served ours with Deep South ice cream.
If feijoas are not your thing than any combination of apples, pears and a sprinkling of frozen berry fruit is equally delicious. Any left over fruit crumble can be stored in the fridge and reheated later. I ate the left over Feijoa Crumble for breakfast this morning. It was delicious!
Happy cooking!