Monday 16 September 2013

Making Lollie Cake with Little Miss 4

Little Miss 4 has a huge thing for Lollie Cake at the moment. The moment she spots it in a cafe cabernet, its all she wants. I wouldn't actually consider Lollie Cake as actual baking, given that almost all the ingredients come preprepared in a packet ready to be squashed and mixing; however, she was mad keen to make it, so we gave it a try. We didn't take an actual recipe to the farm, so I had to just wing it.

Lollie Cake

1 packet of malt biscuits
1/2 tin condensed milk
100g butter
18 eskimo or 25 fruit puffs lollies

Using a food processor blend the malt biscuits into fine crumbs.

Melt the butter and condensed milk together until just mixed. 
Mix in the crumbs followed by the lollies. 

I broke the eskimo lollies up into three before adding them.
Form into a log, wrap in plastic film and refrigerate until firm.
Cut into slices as required.

Cake all done with plenty of time left over to go and feed the animals with Nana. 

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